|||||| NEWS |||| LUTETIA |||| THE PILLAR |||| THE BOATMEN |||| THE CHALLENGE |||| FILM |||| PARTNERS ||||| QUESTIONS |||||| CONTACT |||||| français


The reconstruction of the Pilier des nautes is followed by an audiovisual team as part of a documentary creation.

This film crosses the story of the origins of Lutetia and an investigation into the creation of the ancient Pillar of the Nautes.


Paris, 1711. During work in the basement of Notre-Dame, workers uncover blocks of sculpted stones: enigmatic figures half men-half animals partly ravaged by the destruction of men ... According to historians would be the oldest monument in Paris. Dating from the beginning of Gallo-Roman Lutèce, this totem dedicated to the deities and Tiberius indicates its funding by the nautes, powerful boatmen on the Seine.

The "Pillar of the Nautes" is a window to a vanished world: that of the Celtic myths still existing a few decades after the Roman conquest, then their fusion with the Roman cults.
But this monument raises many mysteries: who are the deities represented? Who ordered this stone "totem"? Where was he positioned? Why was it destroyed and placed under the site of the future medieval cathedral?

On the occasion of their digitization the remains of the pillar give us keys to propose a reconstruction on the scale 1. In France and Europe, our survey brings together clues to give a face to the ancient figures and imagine their mysterious cults.
Thanks to archeology and technology, the film crosses an experience of reconstruction of the oldest monument in Paris with scenes evoking the life of the nuns of Lutetia. An amazing journey over the ancient Seine.


The director

Passionate about history and world cultures, Olivier Lemaître works on digital creations and films that cross science and new images. His observations on the archaeological field in Egypt, Italy, France, Greece or Turkey feed his writing to make more realistic and wonderful trips in time. He has directed several documentaries for French channels and broadcast in several countries.

Latest films :
- Olympia, the origins of games (for France 5)
- The journey of the obelisk (for France 5)



Extraits du film (en production)


Musée d'Archéologie Nationale
Musée national du Moyen Age - thermes de Cluny
Réunion des Musées Nationaux
Musée Saint Rémi de Reims
Musée archéologique de Dijon
Maison de la Pierre
Archéoparc de Samara
Gladius Scutumque
Les Ambianis
Ligeris media


> presse@pilierdesnautes.paris